HTTPS Everywhere

Table Of Contents:

Before diving into HTTPS Everywhere, I would like to show you the table of contents.

What Is HTTPS Everywhere?

HTTPS Everywhere is a browser extension, that forces HTTPS on every website, even on those websites who don’t use HTTPS, and using HTTPS is way more secure than HTTP. 

Main Benefit Of HTTPS Everywhere:

Most of the network/WiFi attacks are associated with MITM (Man In The Middle) attacks, in MITM attack the attacker can downgrade any HTTPS website to HTTP, and once the is in HTTP, he will be able see all your data associated with the website, for instance, if you try go to , the attacker will first downgrade the website to , and after downgrading the website, the attacker will be able to see all the activities that you do on Facebook including your login id, login password, etc.